The Bible states in the book of Ecclesiastes 11.9 that " be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to judgment".
Youth enjoy your days while you still young but remember the day of Judgment. God himself says we must enjoy our young days to the fullest and do what our hearts desire. Although He says that, He warns us of the limits to enjoying our youth which is not to exceed or over step the freedom God has given us.
The simple fact is that, when I do what is wrong I will be judged on it. As a youth of God, I should not cross the boundaries and commits acts that are not in accordance to the word of God, things that are against his command. God really want me to have this freedom and still I can not oppose him by doing what is against his will. Nowadays in our country we the youth have rights and these rights can not make us disrespect the will of God after all, He is the creator of Heaven and Earth. He created me, so how can I make myself a superior?
God always looks at what we do in fact, he looks when no one is looking; take care of the gift that the Lord has given to you before it is too late.
Youth enjoy your days while you still young but remember the day of Judgment. God himself says we must enjoy our young days to the fullest and do what our hearts desire. Although He says that, He warns us of the limits to enjoying our youth which is not to exceed or over step the freedom God has given us.
The simple fact is that, when I do what is wrong I will be judged on it. As a youth of God, I should not cross the boundaries and commits acts that are not in accordance to the word of God, things that are against his command. God really want me to have this freedom and still I can not oppose him by doing what is against his will. Nowadays in our country we the youth have rights and these rights can not make us disrespect the will of God after all, He is the creator of Heaven and Earth. He created me, so how can I make myself a superior?
God always looks at what we do in fact, he looks when no one is looking; take care of the gift that the Lord has given to you before it is too late.
The strength of the youth comes from within!!!!!
many young people misunderstand the word of God when it comes to enjoy, but as well the devil has decieved many in believing that enjoy should be experiencing the world and its passions.... but Gods desire is that we enjoy our lives in His presences.. being blessed by Him.