Sacrifice brings results- when the Lord Jesus died for us on the cross; he sacrificed his life for us that we may never have to suffer. Analyzing the word sacrifice one fact that is clear, everything in life requires sacrifice. Whatever you want to achieve you have to sacrifice for it! A sacrifice is a commitment you apply yourself in doing, especially when you believe that Jesus has paid the price for you. To deny one will is a form of sacrifice; to be converted is a sacrifice; for me to say Lord I leave everything to do your will that's a big sacrifice. When you strive to get something definitely a sacrifice is required. Sacrifice is the subject of all your dreams to come true.
He saw him who was invisible burning fire he saw from Sinai to Egypt, he (Moses) never gave up his victory from slavery he set his people free, dreams can be possible if we obey and the mouth has spoken let us do whatever it says, the Lord is on the mountain that we must climb the height is doesn't matter, let us get to the top, I'll fight until the end I will run to get the price a holy opportunity I chose the hard way, I will fight until I get the promises the Lord has made my eyes are on the target sacrifice is the way" (quoted from a song)
This is the only way, no escape whether you believe in God or not sacrifice is needed. You don't have to sacrifice for what you want; you can sit on a chair and fold your arms for the rest of your life and end up nowhere. "You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ". (1Peter 2:5) Sacrifice is the only way to put our lives in the standard we want.
He saw him who was invisible burning fire he saw from Sinai to Egypt, he (Moses) never gave up his victory from slavery he set his people free, dreams can be possible if we obey and the mouth has spoken let us do whatever it says, the Lord is on the mountain that we must climb the height is doesn't matter, let us get to the top, I'll fight until the end I will run to get the price a holy opportunity I chose the hard way, I will fight until I get the promises the Lord has made my eyes are on the target sacrifice is the way" (quoted from a song)
This is the only way, no escape whether you believe in God or not sacrifice is needed. You don't have to sacrifice for what you want; you can sit on a chair and fold your arms for the rest of your life and end up nowhere. "You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ". (1Peter 2:5) Sacrifice is the only way to put our lives in the standard we want.
The strength of the youth comes from within!!!!!