
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wipe Away All Tears

God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.”  Revelation 21:4

This one of the most precious promises in God’s Word. Death, sorrow, and tears have all touched our lives. We know the pain of loss, but there is coming a day when God will wipe those tears from all eyes. What a beautiful picture that is! He reaches out with His loving hand and gently wipes the tears of mankind from their faces. He says to them, “There has been enough death and sorrow and crying. I have put an end to it.” 

When Adam sinned and brought all this heartache to the world, God was grieved; but He knew that He must allow mankind to experience sin and its downward spiral in order for us to appreciate what He truly wanted for us: a life free from sin. He set about to work out a plan for the salvation of all mankind and in His due time He sent Jesus to die for us. It has taken a long time to see God’s plan progress, but one day soon it will come to fruition. The culmination will be the God of the Universe wiping away all tears and putting an end to death, sorrow, crying and pain. Oh, what a day that will be; a day the whole world groans for! 

Father, my soul groans with this world for Your Kingdom. May it come quickly. I thank You for the glimpse of this kingdom You have given to me. I thank You that I know Your love now and that You have wiped the tears from my eyes. I thank You for the hope that one day soon the whole world will experience that same love as You wipe away all tears from their eyes and put an end to sin once and for all. We anxiously await that day! Amen