When we seek God with all our heart, mind and soul, we become His children. However God, as a father has still given us freedom to choose whatever we want. Though we still have this freedom, the risk when one turn away from Him, where will he go. It is for this reason that it's important for one to be close to God, hat make him to be Exceptional.
One day they was a terrible accident on the high way 3 cars collided-1 was Jetta, the other one was van and the 3rd one was Mercedes Benz. As we all know that when accidents occur, first people to be seen on the scene are the break downs. They towered the Jetta and they came back to tow the van, but they never towered the Mercedes Benz. Onlookers asked them why they don't tow the Benz and the people who tow cars said- see the sticker behind the Mercedes it says do not tow, meaning it has special people to come and tow it. While waiting 3 cars came from a special towing company- a private car, big truck and a van. The Mercedes was pulled to a big truck and it was escorted by the private car and the van.
The moral of the story: When you do what God want, no matter, He will take care of you, whilst others the demons are dragging them. When they come to you they won't touch instead they will see God in you- like that sticker do not tow- this person has his own tow company meaning JESUS is with this person. Never try to please others you are exceptional when you have Christ in you.
The strength of the youth comes from within- volume2